When we thought nobody could look worse than Sneha Ullal, here's the washed up 'popstar' Pratichee Mohapatra. Prats desperately tried to claw onto the glamour world after the Popstars bust up, by clutching some straws of modelling and maybe a video or two, am not sure.
But looks like the gal hasn't made any particular mark, and is now making a name at being the worst dressed ex-singer. I know the ragged look and cut-offs are in; that doesn't mean you bare-thread your bag and get the rats to chew on your hair at night as well.
Hmmm.... Do you really mean that gorgeous gal in the photograph? You are talking about her?!
Um dude... Pratichee is now represented by the Label Indiaudio you can hear some of her work: Pratichee HERE
Tell me what you think now!
I think she is pretty hot! Hey BollyBitch, lets see what you look like!
well she's one of the good looking people of the industry. she looks really awesome in the pic above, people like you define bieng extremely typical and following the 'in trends'blindly...so such stupid things are expected out of you.
She is awsome....she looks preety always....according to me she is one of the best person of this world...she is so cool she so trendy i think no one can dress up like her in this industry .....n people like who comments on other they are generally fashion diaster...
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